Take the survey for mothers, fathers and parental carers

You can start the survey online if you’re a father, mother or parental carer to a child who is part of Five to Twelve.

Click here to start the survey online if you’re a father, mother or parental carer to a child who is part of Five to Twelve.

You will also need your own personal access code which is an 8-digit code that you would have received on your letter or email.

> survey.natcen.ac.uk/FiveToTwelveY2

It is vital that we hear from every father, mother and/or parental carer living with or in contact with each child, to make sure that all perspectives are represented and that we get a well-rounded picture of each child's life and school experiences. This includes fathers and mothers who live separately from their child for all or most of the time, and those who did not take part in this research study last year. 

Each person takes part separately and will not see the responses give by anyone else in their child's family.