Taking part

Five to Twelve is a national study of around 8,600 children attending primary school in England in the 2020s.

You can help us make an impact!

Five to Twelve is an exciting opportunity to be part of a national study following thousands of children and their mothers, fathers and parental carers in England. We have selected a group of children who were aged 5 or 6 in 2023 to represent all children in their age group in England. By following them over time we can gain unique insights into how their different experiences shape their lives, both in early childhood and beyond.

Five to Twelve will have an impact on improving schools and other services for children, and by taking part you can make a difference too!

Please use the links below to access your online survey.

Consultation with study mothers, fathers and parental carers

To help ensure future plans for Five to Twelve work well for study children and their families, the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) is currently carrying out development work. Some mothers, fathers and parental carers who are already part of the study are being invited to share their views with us.  

This consultation is part of the bigger Five to Twelve study. We will be talking to some of the mothers, fathers and carers who take part in the study to hear about your experiences. We’d also like to know what you think about some of our plans for the study in the future.  

Please use the link below for more information on the consultation: 

Similar studies

Studies similar to Five to Twelve have been running for many years and have already had an impact on the lives of children and families.

Children of the 2020s

A sister study of Five To Twelve, ‘Children of the 2020s’, is following babies from the age of 9 months through early childhood until they are 5 years old. The study focuses on children’s development, and the findings will be used to understand how babies and young children grow up, particularly following the COVID-19 pandemic. You can read more about the study and its findings here: https://cls.ucl.ac.uk/cls-studies/children-of-the-2020s-study/ 

Study of Early Education and Development (SEED)

This study began in 2013 and has followed almost 6,000 children in England, starting from age two. SEED focuses on how experiences and education in early childhood can shape long-term life outcomes. You can read more about the study and its findings here: https://www.seed.natcen.ac.uk/

Our Future (Longitudinal Study of Young People in England 2)

One of the largest long-term studies carried out in England, ‘Our Future’, has helped reveal issues affecting young people and provided information to help develop new policies that reach young people. For example, by looking at experiences on bullying, Our Future found a noticeable drop in the proportion of year 10 students who experienced bullying between 2005 and 2014. Our Future has also shown a link between being bullied in school and being more likely to play truant. You can read more on the study website, here: ourfuturestudy.co.uk

Children of the 90s (Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children)

The Children of the 90s study, a large study following parents and children born in the Bristol area in the 1990s, found that anxiety levels doubled in young people following COVID-19 lockdown. This helped researchers understand more about how the pandemic impacted on young people’s experiences. You can read more on the study website here: bristol.ac.uk/alspac/

Millennium Cohort Study (Child of the New Century)

This longitudinal study follows around 19,000 young people across the UK who were born at the turn of the millennium. The study findings have been used in a range of different contexts. The study has shown, for example, links between children’s experiences at home (such as their bedtimes, and relationships with their parents) and their wider wellbeing and development. You can find out more on their website: cls.ucl.ac.uk/cls-studies/millennium-cohort-study